
The Best Part of Waking Up is Green Juice in Your Cup

I recently read an article in which a pastry chef said she starts her day with fresh juice because it lets her feel like she “detoxes before she retoxes.”  I don’t highly recommend drinking juice in the morning just to eat cakes and pizzas all day and feel okay about it, but there is definitely something in her statement.  Starting your day with freshly juiced fruits and vegetables boosts your energy and gives your cells a little cleaning so you start your day on the cleanest, healthiest note possible.

I love drinking juice in the morning.  I really do feel clean, light, fresh, and believe it or not, satisfied when I have juice for breakfast. Please note that I don’t mean Tropicana. I mean lettuce and kale in my cup.  Here is my absolute 100% favorite juice to drink for breakfast.

Hayley’s Fav Green Juice

1 head organic romaine lettuce

A few overflowing handfuls of organic kale or spinach leaves

1 organic lemon (peel and all)

1 organic honey crisp apple (so sweet and delicious!) cut into quarters if its a big one

~One by one, push all the above through your juicer, pour in to a tall glass, and enjoy your detoxifying breakfast cocktail.


Be well!