Hey Long + Lean Pilates fans, and happy 2015 to you! One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to try a new recipe every week, including foods that I may not be very familiar with in the kitchen! As part of this journey, the Long + Lean Wellness Blog will feature one awesomely healthy food as our Favorite Food of the Month. We will then share a new recipe for that Favorite Food each week to help you incorporate it in to your diet.


Photo via artichokes.org.

Starting off the Favorite Food of the Month series is the humble artichoke! The artichoke is definitely underrated, and since it’s often dipped in butter or aioli, people tend to forget that it has some awesome nutritional benefits. Keep reading to find out what’s so fabulous about artichokes and how to prepare them easily TODAY!

Why we love artichokes:

  • Low in calories and fat! There’s just 60 calories for one medium artichoke, and less than 1 gram of fat and yet….
  • Artichokes are full of dietary fiber, giving you 14% of your daily recommended fiber intake
  • Great source of folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin K, and B-complex vitamins
  • Artichokes provide you with a healthy dose of the antioxidants and minerals your body needs such as potassium, copper, iron, and calcium
  • They’re so fun to eat!
Easy Artichoke Preparation:
Start eating artichokes with a super simple preparation like boiling them! Here’s how…
  1. Cut off any nasty thorns from the outer leaves (optional)
  2. Cut off the end of the stem, leaving about 1 inch remaining. Some people do eat the whole stem but it tends to be bitter. If you want to try the stem, just cut off the very end of it and peel the tough skin off before cooking.
  3. Rinse under cold water.
  4. Fill a pot with water. You can add whole garlic, lemon slices, and/or a bay leaf to the water for additional flavor if desired.
  5. Place the artichokes in the pot in one single layer.
  6. Bring the pot to a boil and continue cooking for about 35 minutes. When they’re done, you should be able to peel the leaves off easily.
  7. Remove the artichokes and allow to cool slightly then go ahead and enjoy!!
Artichoke Tips:
  • Don’t eat the whole leaf! Once cooked, peel one leaf off at a time and use your teeth to scrape off the soft flesh at the base of the leaf. You can also eat the heart of the artichoke that becomes exposed once all the leafs have been peeled off (Artichoke hearts, YUM!)
  • When you get to the heart, make sure to scrape away and discard the fuzzy stuff, that’s not so great to eat.
  • For optimal healthy eating, try eating these with just a touch of salt, like you would with edamame  or some extra lemon instead of dipping in butter. Or maybe just dip every other leaf in butter. 😉
Did you know?
“Artichokes can also be made into an herbal tea. “Artichoke tea” is produced as a commercial product in the Da Lat region of Vietnam. The flower portion is put into water and consumed as an herbal tea, called alcachofa in Mexico. It has a slightly bitter woody taste.” – Wikepedia
Check in to the blog next week for a fun and delicious artichoke recipe!!

Have you found yourself in a breakfast rut? After a conversation with a client this morning (at 6:30 am nonetheless), I realized just about every one of us gets stuck eating the same breakfast over and over again until all of a sudden we absolutely must eat something else.

We all could use some variety in our breakfast routine but, of course, time is limited. I’ve picked a few of my favorite healthy breakfast options that won’t throw off your morning routine. Try something new with one of these great options:


Smoothies: Smoothies are relatively easy to make, especially if you keep frozen berries or pre-cut fruit on hand. I also love smoothies because the options are literally endless. Have you ever heard of an Apple Cinnamon Coconut Smoothie!?  You can find so many healthy smoothie recipes on Pinterest or Google, there are even old school books with tons of options. Don’t feel like pulling out the blender?  Try Ashker’s Juice Bar on Elmwood or Squeeze Juicery on Main Street in Williamsville for healthy and convenient smoothies with absolutely no clean-up needed.




Yogurt, fruit, granola: I just read an article that stated how unhealthy yogurt and granola can be for breakfast. I disagree. If you do it right, yogurt and granola can be a great healthy breakfast option! I always choose a granola with as little added sugar as possible. If you can find something with honey or coconut sugar instead of standard sugar, that’s even better. Are you a great meal planner? Make your own granola so you can control the ingredients better. Keep the amount of granola you use on the minimal side, just enough to add a crunch. Opt for plain organic greek yogurt for your healthiest option, but as long as you get yogurt with no (or at least very little) added sugar and completely natural ingredients (I like Stonyfield Organic), you’re good. Lastly add fruit and other healthy add-ins for maximum nutritional benefits: berries, bananas, walnuts, pecans, ground flax seed, etc.


Whole grain toast with peanut butter, honey, and bananas: This breakfast is quick, easy, delicious, and comforting. One slice is enough if you load it up with peanut butter (or any nut butter) and sliced banana. I like to put a drizzle of honey on first and spread it over my toast, then the peanut butter, then fill every space with banana slices. I recommend using the heartiest, healthiest bread you can find. I prefer Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread, available at most grocers.




Whole grain toast ricotta cheese, honey, and blueberries: A variation on the toast and peanut butter above, this delicious and unique breakfast was discovered by my Mom who absolutely swears by it. Again, use the heartiest bread you can find for maximum nutritional benefits. I recommend mashing your blueberries on top of the toast so you don’t have to deal with blueberries rolling off your breakfast!




Brown rice cake with almond butter and jelly: Another toast and peanut butter variation, this is my ultimate on-the-go, in-a-huge-rush breakfast. I use brown rice cakes with no salt added. Heed caution when purchasing rice cakes, they aren’t all healthy. I use all natural almond butter (preferably raw) but any nut butter will do here. Peanut butter is really the least healthy of the nut butters, but its delicious, so do yo’ thing. Just like with the rice cakes, it can be challenging to make sure your jelly is actually healthy. Look for no sugar added, all natural, and/or fruit juice sweetened varieties. Always check the ingredients to be sure you aren’t getting something with high fructose corn syrup or sugar as the first or second ingredient. Whenever possible, I get strawberry jelly that’s either ALL strawberry or sweetened only by natural fruit juice. I can eat this easily in the car when necessary.


Mini Frittatas: I first tried mini frittatas during a run in with the South Beach Diet back in college.  Although I don’t recommend, the diet, I do recommend these convenient little “egg muffins” for on-the-go nutrient-rich breakfasts. You can make your frittatas however you like them (please pack in the veggies!), make them all at once, freeze ’em til you need ’em, and then heat up in the microwave and get going! Here are some recipes you can try: Mini Frittata Muffins




Oatmeal and…anything: This is the only breakfast option on my list that is a bit challenging to eat on the go, but thats okay, its GREAT to sit down, breathe, and enjoy your breakfast at a proper table. Oatmeal can be made in so many different ways. Add some fruit, add dried fruit, add nuts, add cinnamon, use some pure maple syrup, throw in some nut butter and flax seed. The options are really infinite. Browse Pinterest for great ideas or simply get creative with what you already have on hand. And if you are looking for a super convenient way to eat oatmeal, check out Wegman’s frozen breakfast section; they sell frozen oatmeal bowls that are actually super healthy! Thanks, Wegmans! 🙂


What’s your favorite healthy breakfast? Please share in the comments below!



Yikes! All the cold weather outside and the dry heat indoors can wreak havoc on our skin. Looking for some ways to fight the chapped, flaky skin that winter brings on? Welcome to the club! Part of living a healthy life, however, means choosing skin care products that will do more good than harm with no yucky chemicals and artificial additives. Although there are plenty of products out there with naturally derived ingredients, I wanted to share some completely natural remedies that will keep your skin smooth and beautiful through the winter and beyond.


I use honey to wash my face. That may sound crazy, but it has been the absolute best “face wash” I’ve ever used. Honey is antibacterial so it is a very effective cleanser and it has moisturizing powers so you’ll clean your face without drying it out. I prefer to use raw honey, but as long as your honey is 100% pure you should be good. Simply hold a warm, wet washcloth on your face for a few moments to open your pores and dampen your skin. Then slather your face with honey and let it stay for up to 10 minutes. Rinse off the honey and you’re done!

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an incredibly effective way to exfoliate your face so you don’t have to spend money on expensive scrubs. It’s like microdermabrasion is just sitting there in your fridge waiting for you. Try scrubbing your clean face with a paste made from baking soda and distilled water for up to 10 minutes before rinsing.


Coconut Oil

Some people get nervous about putting oil on their face, but trust me, it’s worth a try! Coconut oil is this super amazing health food that also provides amazing real, deep moisture. Bonus: coconut oil makes your hair super soft and shiny AND it makes a great shaving “cream.”



Milk is a great, gentle skin softener that will soothe your red, dry winter skin. Just throw a few cups of milk in the next time you draw a bath; your skin will thank you. Also, soaking your feet in milk before your self-administered pedicures will make your feet super soft.



This one isn’t for your skin but I think it’s pretty amazing…Did you know that ruby red strawberries but can actually help make your teeth white! Because of all the vitamin C in strawberries, they remove plaque and help get rid your teeth of stains. For your own all natural (and tasty) teeth whitening treatment use a toothbrush to spread mashed strawberries on your teeth and let it sit for 5 minutes. Try this once a week for the best results!

Do you have any natural skin care remedies you love? Share them with us!

Photo via Pilates.Answers.Com

A client of mine recently shared with me how surprised she was to win her weekend tennis tournament. A mother of three grown children and past what many may consider the prime age for athletics, my client chalked up her win to two things; her new tennis racket and….PILATES! It is always so incredibly rewarding to hear about my clients’ progress and how Pilates has helped them feel stronger and healthier throughout their entire life. My client’s tennis success inspired me to share the many ways Pilates can help athletes of all ages and skill levels improve their performance.

Core Strength: This is the easy one. We all know Pilates increases core strength which is so important in the body’s ability to move well and stay injury-free. Having a stronger core can also directly impact the power behind movements during your athletic performance. When you have strong core muscles to help you through your movements, you can hit harder and move faster. A stronger core also helps with:

Ease of Movement: Strengthening the body’s core muscles and teaching them to activate in all movements gives our major mover muscles the freedom to do what they were meant to do! This helps our muscles be more efficient and make movements feel easier. Pilates also helps to train the right muscles to do their job so we don’t unnecessarily use energy recruiting other ones. Plus the fluid motions of a Pilates workout encourage more fluid, easy movements when you get off the mat!

Better Balance: It’s not rocket science: if you are falling all over the place, you won’t be able to hit a ball very well. A strong core will help the athlete stay centered and quick on his/her feet. Better balance equals increased stability while performing the strong, full movements required in tennis and other sports. Pilates also helps improve balance by providing a combination of strength and flexibility. Additionally, a well executed Pilates workout will help correct muscular inequities that can through off your balance. Balanced muscles + Balanced strength and flexibility = Better overall balance!

Beyond the core strength and resulting performance enhancements, Pilates can also help athletes:

Improve Use of Breath: The use of breath is an extremely important component of the Pilates workout. Focusing on breath will increase the strength and efficiency of the diaphragm (your main breathing muscles) and can even increase lung capacity and stamina. Also, training your mind and body to use your breath to aid your muscles will help with efficiency and increase power and stamina. When your body is practiced in exhaling as you exert energy can really improve performance with little to no extra effort at all.

Increase Focus and Control: There are plenty of distractions in our lives these days. Taking 30 to 60 minutes on a regular basis to really hone in and focus on a task (like your Pilates exercises) can make a big difference in your ability to focus on your game. Pilates is an exercise method that really encourages complete focus and control, ensuring your mind and body work together to maximize results. Having an increased mind/body awareness will really improve your control during athletic performance.

What do you think? Are you an athlete who has seen benefits from doing Pilates? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you!


I see inspirational quotes all over Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram all day long so they tend to become white noise after a while. The other day, though, I came across a quote that really stayed with me: “I workout because I love my body, not because I hate it.” I think this is a brilliant attitude to have. Way too many people are punishing themselves for those extra 5 pounds, the pizza they had for lunch, not making it to spin class…the list goes on and on. These thoughts build up to make a completely negative self-esteem and view on life. I know first hand that when you stop doubting every decision you make or hating yourself for eating a piece of pie, it becomes a lot easier to be healthy and happy. In fact, when I let go of some of the rules that were causing me to feel negative every time I broke them, I actually lost weight and developed a much healthier self-esteem and approach to wellness.

Being healthy is very, very important. I don’t advocate throwing out your apples and exchanging them for a bag of Doritos in order to be happy, I’m just saying maybe if we started practicing more self-love and let go of all the “I have to workout because I hate my thighs” talk, we’d be happier and find it a bit easier to make healthy choices. So in addition to repeating “I workout because I love my body, not because I hate it” all the time, I recommend practicing these 5 steps to develop more self-love:

1. Pick Something You Love About Your Body.

Everyone has parts of their body that they wish they could change, but we all have parts that we’re pretty happy with to (we just forget about the good parts quicker). Do you love your muscular calfs? Check them out any time you start harping on your thighs. Don’t hesitate to brag about it either. You can totally roll your sleeve up and tell your best girl friends how awesome you feel about the tone you’ve developed in your arms!

Think about the progress you’re making too! Didn’t make it to a Pilates class at all this weekend? Remember how much smoother your roll-up was last time you were there so you have some POSITIVE motivation to get you back in to class.

2. Say No to Negative.

Literally say no to negative. As soon as you start that self-hatin’, just. say. no. Say it out loud, or just in your head, but do it. Although no is by nature a negative word, giving yourself the power to say “no, there is absolutely no value in feeling negative right now” will help you make room for positive thoughts and self-love.

3. Compliment Others.

Being positive and admiring others for their healthy lifestyles, delicious looking healthy lunch, or super toned legs (and meaning it) will help you feel positive about their success, instead of jealous. Admire people and let them inspire you, they are just proof that achieving your goals is totally doable. Plus won’t helping someone feel really good about themselves make you feel pretty good about yourself, too?

4. Calories Only Count If You Feel Bad About Them.

Okay, we all know this one isn’t really true but in my mind, it totally makes sense. I used to have off-limits foods that I felt I should absolutely not eat in order to be healthy so when I inevitably ate them, I got down on myself and ate even more of it to really get it all in before I cut it out completely again tomorrow. What a terrible way to eat food! If you have a piece of amazing chocolate cake, please ENJOY IT! If you eat that cake and you love it and you enjoy it and you don’t worry about never eating it again your brain will shut up, let you eat a normal portion and move on with your life. Self-hate will make you feel crappy which will probably make you eat more crap. So love that cake and love yourself.

5. Practice Forgiveness.

Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Forgive Giselle for being perfect. Forgive that negativity for creeping in to your brain, because its sneaky and it will. Give yourself a big hug, check out that awesome part of your body that you feel confident about and say “It’s okay girl (or boy), you look good and I love you.”