Congratulations AND happy two year anniversary to our latest 100+ Pilates Class Super Star, Susan! Don’t let her humble smile fool you, she is one tough athlete. We caught up with Susan to find out what fuels her love for Pilates. Here’s what she had to say:
1. What do you love about Pilates?
I love the focus on body alignment and the attention given to balance, posture, and strength that all people need, especially as they age. I enjoy the group classes, because I have met so many nice people, and I value the perspectives of the different instructors at L+L. I am always happy when I leave, even though it might take some effort to come to class. I never regret coming. I have done individual training in Pilates to work on some weak areas and to deepen my practice.
2. What motivates you to workout?
My mom is almost 100 years old, and she goes to the gym twice a week. She can do a 3 minute plank at her age, and she can touch her toes. She has had two hip operations, and her good conditioning made it possible for her to bounce back. I want to be as fit, flexible, and strong as my mom. I work out 6-7 days a week. I also want to lose weight, tone, and look as good as I can.
3. What changes have you noticed since starting Pilates?
I am much stronger and have better balance. I notice it when I am getting out of the bathtub, when I spring up easily from sitting on my knees when gardening, and when I go to the gym and exhibit my planks, my ability to do crunches, and work on the TRX. I am 65, and since doing Pilates, I have been largely pain free in areas that took a beating from working in my career. My core is stronger, as are other areas like my chest, my back, my feet, etc.
4. Other than Pilates, how do you like to stay active?
I work with a personal trainer two days a week at a gym. I lift weights, do cardio, do balance exercises, work on the skiing machine, the rowing machine, the paddleboard machine, and on one I call the “turtle.” I work in my garden, walk my dogs, walk around Elmwood Village, and sometimes play soccer or house hockey with my grandson.
5. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience?
Not all Pilates studios are friendly and positive places, and I have found the community of L+L to be so nice. It all starts with Hayley at the top and spreads from there. Each instructor’s personality and help have touched me, and I have also gained a lot from the other people in class. I hope you will see me at L+L when I am 100.